Oviedo Carvings & Bronze
Southwestern Bronze Gallery             
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Anasazi Spirit (Southwestern Bronze)

Title:Anasazi Spirit
Size:13"h x 9"w x 7"d

Limited Edition
Description:in "organic metamorphosis" style; a two-sided sculpture in both Southwestern and abstract styles; see Marco's Inspiration at right for complete description

  Marco's Inspiration:
"Anasazi" refers to the "ancient ones," pre-historic Indians who lived in northwestern New Mexico and southern Colorado from approximately 1000-1300 AD. Two of the most spectacular ruins left by the Anasazi are located in Chaco Canyon (New Mexico) and Mesa Verde (Colorado). Marco has created the two-sided bronze sculpture dedicated to the spirit of these ancient people.

On one side, the sculpture depicts the head of a Bald Eagle, America's national symbol that in reality became that symbol a thousand years ago to Native Americans who revered the eagle as a spiritual symbol of freedom and power. Behind the Eagle is the face of the ruins at Mesa Verde. Above the ruins are the moon and sun which the Anasazi, who were astronomers, followed in their to determine their life cycles.

The other side of the sculpture symbolizes Mother Nature with both male and female entities. The man is depicted on the left side as a rock with petroglyphs showing the animals that men hunted to sustain their families. On the right side is an ear of corn which represents the feminine aspect as "Mother Corn" that was the essence of life as it provided food for sustenance. In the center is a head of a Peregrine Falcon which is a bird of prey that is perfect in form, flight, and evolutionary function. The Falcon is the fastest creature known to man and is a survivor. All these symbols reflect the spirit that the Anasazi maintained in hope of surviving the future.


Copyright © Cortijo Oviedo. All designs protected by copyright laws. All rights reserved.
Duplication/Reproduction prohibited. Deborah Designs 2003